Handcrafted koji since 1689- Spanning 8 generations


Shio-koji FAQ

Foods prepared with shio-koji taste better than when prepared with regular salt. Why is that?
The enzyme protreases in koji breaks down the proteins in the ingredients and creates glutamic acid, a key component of umami, imparting a savory flavor.
In cooking how much shio-koji should I use in place of salt?
For each teaspoon of salt called for in a recipe, use 2 teaspoons of shio-koji.
What is the salt content of shio-koji?
Our shio-koji and homemade shio-koji made using our recipe is 13% salt. Each teaspoon of shio-koji contains 0.9 gm salt.
How much does the salt content in foods prepared with shio-koji decrease for the same amount of saltiness?
1 teaspoon of salt is 5 gms of salt. If you use 2 teaspoons of shio-koji prepared with our recipe in place of that 1 teaspoon of salt, there is a total of 1.8 gm of salt.
The consistency of shio-koji is a bit lumpy, what can I do to make it smoother?
In recipes where a smooth consistency is preferred, you can mix it for a few seconds in a blender. This consistency is easy to use in a squeeze bottle.
Can I reuse the shio-koji used to marinate fish or meat?
No. Once the shio-koji has been used as a sauce to marinade meat, fish or vegetables, it cannot be reused.
When making shio-koji, what kind of salt should I use?
Use small-grained sea salt with a mild flavor. Select a salt rich in minerals. Do not use refined iodized table salt. Shio-koji made with iodized salt will have a strong iodine odor. Here at Kojiya, we use “Nihon no Umishio” a sea salt produced in Shimabara in Nagasaki.
What kind of container should I use when storing shio-koji in the refrigerator?
Use a plastic or glass container with a tight-fitting lid.
How long does it keep?
Refrigerated it keeps for six months.
Can I freeze shio-koji?
Yes, it can be kept up to a year in the freezer.